Entries by manuelapittera

Rexpublica and DisComPoSE in discussion

Several members of the Rexpublica project and the DisComPoSE project attended the conference Desastres en la América colonial Hispánica. Redes, circulación de la información y memoria (siglos XVI-XVIII), organized on 13th September at the Pablo de Olavide University. The presentations were organized in two sessions chaired by the P.I.s of the two projects: Manuel Herrero […]

Disasters in Spanish Colonial America

The conference Disasters in Spanish Colonial America (16th-18th centuries) is taking place on 13th September in Seville. The activity is the result of the collaboration between DisComPoSe and the Spanish project Res Pública Monárquica. La Monarquía Hispánica, una estructura imperial policéntrica de repúblicas urbanas, directed by Manuel Herrero Sánchez (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville). The […]

Iconography and history of epidemics

DisComPoSe is among the official partners of the fifteenth edition of the Jornadas Internacionales de Arte, Historia y Cultura Colonial, organized by the Colonial and Santa Clara Museums of Bogotá which took place from 24th to 26th August as a virtual event. The conference, which this year is entitled Las otras Pandemias: iconografías e historias […]

The square as a political space

With the seminar The square as a political space: manuscripts, printings and songs held on 9th June, Prof. Massimo Rospocher shifted the focus of reflection within the cycle of meetings Verba manent to the spaces and concrete conditions in which communication takes place. Dwelling on the spaces, the professor allowed us to reconsider the relationship […]

The lesson of Piero Camporesi

In the final meeting of the cycle of seminars Verba Manent, Claudio Giunta, professor of Italian literature at the University of Trento, enriched the reflection on popular culture starting from the lesson of Piero Camporesi. The seminar, dedicated to Camporesi’s legacy, concerned the current relevance of his studies and the applicability of his methods, and […]

June 7-8, 2021: Communication during emergencies

DisComPoSE has expanded the field of investigation into disasters caused by natural events. In the conference of 7th and 8th June Communication, politics and emergency management in the Hispanic Monarchy. Sixteenth-eighteenth centuries, interesting dynamics of transformation of the forms and content of communication, that characterized the different territorial and political spheres of the Hispanic Monarchy […]

“Short memories” on the SISEM website

The site of the Italian Society for the History of the Early Modern Age (SISEM) hosts the editorial by Domenico Cecere Memorie corte. Le società di antico regime e l’esperienza delle catastrofi (Short memories. Ancien régime societies and the experience of disasters). Drawing on some aspects of public communication observed during the current health emergency, […]

Communication, politics and emergency management

How and to what extent were institutional and extra-institutional communication channels and networks transformed in times of crisis? How was the relationship between the secrecy and publicity of information configured in such moments? Through which socio-cultural and linguistic-textual processes was information reworked and manipulated? These are some of the questions which will be addressed by […]