How and to what extent were institutional and extra-institutional communication channels and networks transformed in times of crisis? How was the relationship between the secrecy and publicity of information configured in such moments? Through which socio-cultural and linguistic-textual processes was information reworked and manipulated? These are some of the questions which will be addressed by the scholars participating in the international conference Communication, politics and emergency management in the Hispanic Monarchy (16th-18th centuries) organized on 7th and 8th June by the team of the DisComPoSE research project. The meeting aims to reflect on the transformations of communication during and following an emergency in societies of the ancien regime.


Crises caused by events that appear far from ordinary experience generate a strong and widespread need for information. This phenomenon gives the control of communication greater importance than in ordinary situations. In the early modern age, just as today, the eruption of an exceptional happening into everyday life stimulated the search for news and explanations, expanded the fields and paths of communication, and facilitated the dissemination of multiple, sometimes potentially dangerous, opinions. It was therefore essential, for the secular and religious authorities and for the major social forces, to stem the spread of divergent rumours and reconstructions, and to track the traumatic and exceptional events to precise explanatory schemes.

The conference is structured in four thematic sessions focused on the tools and forms of communication; politics and the circulation of information in colonial contexts; communication, strategies and political practices; and religion, rituals and the political management of emergency.

The conference will take place on the Zoom platform at the address


Communication, politics and emergency management in the Hispanic Monarchy (16th-18th centuries)

7th – 8th June2021


10:00 Opening session

Welcoming address

Andrea Mazzucchi

Head of the Department of Human Studies  – Università di Napoli Federico II


Domenico Cecere (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Alessandro Tuccillo (Università di Torino)


10:30 Session I

Tools and forms of communication


Massimo Rospocher (FBK Istituto storico italo-germanico,Trento)


Fernando Bouza (Universidad Complutense, Madrid)

Calamidades, comunicación y espacio público entre el manuscrito y el impreso: de las plegarias a las ayudas de costa


Chiara De Caprio (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Annachiara Monaco (Università di Napoli Federico II)

La circolazione delle notizie e le relazioni: una prospettiva linguistica


Gennaro Schiano (Università di Napoli Federico II)

“El año del diluvio”: il racconto delle inondazioni nelle relaciones de sucesos (Salamanca-Sevilla 1626)


Domenico Cecere (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Comunicazione e politica nella gestione dell’emergenza alla fine del XVII secolo


14:30 Session II

Politics and circulation of information in colonial contexts


Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Oxford)


Guillaume Gaudin (Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès/Framespat)

Comunicar el evento a muy larga distancia: el caso de las crisis en las Filipinas del principio de la colonización (1580-1610)


Valentina Favarò (Università di Palermo)

Difesa della salute pubblica o mantenimento dell’equilibrio politico? Strategie di comunicazione del viceré FranciscoFernandez de Castro (1650-1652)


Virginia García-Acosta (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexico)

Gestión y manejo de la crisis agrícola triguera de 1770-1771 en Nueva España


Rocío Moreno Cabanillas (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla)

Cartas, fusiles y revueltas. Las comunicaciones postales en Nueva Granada en tiempos convulsos en el siglo XVIII


Luis A. Arrioja (Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora)

Conocimientos y representaciones del clima extremo en el reino de Guatemala, 1750-1820


10.00 Session III

Communication, strategies and political practices


Antonio Álvarez-Ossorio Alvariño (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


Ida Mauro (Universitat de Barcelona)

Parlare dell’emergenza ai piedi di Sua Maestà. Forme e agenti di rappresentazione di interessi locali a corte all’indomani dei disastri naturali (XVII secolo)


Valentina Sferragatta (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Valeria Enea (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Meccanismi e strategie di comunicazione durante l’eruzione dell’Etna del 1669


Gennaro Varriale (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Sfruttare il disastro. L’intervento degli Asburgo nel terremoto di Ragusa (1667)


Carmen Espejo (Universidad de Sevilla)

Estrategias para el fact checking en el periodismo de catástrofes del siglo XVIII. Las noticias sobre el terremoto de Lisboa de 1755 en la prensa española


15:00 Session IV

Religion, rituals and political management of emergency


Anna Maria Rao (Università di Napoli Federico II)


Alessandro Tuccillo (Università di Torino)

Le conseguenze dell’ira divina e le prerogative della Chiesa nella Monarchia ispanica alla fine del XVII secolo


André Godinho (Universidade de Lisboa)

“Aren’t the wonders you cause in the heavens enough?”: framing disaster and ritual in early modern Lisbon


Armando Alberola Romá (Universidad de Alicante)

Desastre y percepción personal: el terremoto de Calabria de 1783 según el relato del cardenal Antonio Despuig y Dameto


Pasquale Palmieri (Università di Napoli Federico II)

Il dibattito sulle cause della carestia e dell’epidemia a Napoli nel 1764


Download the Programme of the Conference


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