The project Disasters, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age (DisComPoSE) investigates the connections between the circulation of news about natural disasters, the processing of information about such events and the development of emergency management policies.

DisComPoSE examines the European and extra-European territories of the Hispanic Monarchy between the 16th and 18th centuries, and intends to understand how specific interpretations of environmental disasters influenced the evolution of cultural frameworks, of social relations and of power structures in ancien régime societies.

The five-year project is financed by the European Research Council (ERC) and is hosted by the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II. It involves scholars from different fields: from social and cultural history to the history of institutions, from textual criticism to the history of language and images, from anthropology to the history of science.

News and Events

Within the DisComPoSE line of research is Annachiara Monaco’s recently published work Forme testuali e stili narrativi delle relazioni a stampa sull’eruzione del Vesuvio del 1631 (Forms and narrative styles of the printed reports on the 1631 eruption of Vesuvius). The researcher analyses the linguistic-formal strategies adopted to narrate the disaster in the printed reports […]

On Friday, 22nd November 2024, DisComPoSE Principal Investigator Domenico Cecere will participate in the international conference Esperienza della scoperta e memoria dei disastri. Strumenti, fonti, metodologie, which will be held at the Department of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre. This event is organized by Francesca Mattei, Giulia Ceriani Sebregondi, and Danila Jacazzi as […]

A new monograph has been added to the publications resulting from DisComPoSE research. It is Gennaro Varriale‘s volume News from the Epicentre. The Flow of Information about Earthquakes in the Hispanic Monarchy (XVI–XVII Centuries), which investigates the dissemination of news about earthquakes in the early modern period within the dominions of the Habsburg dynasty: a […]

Discover DisComPoSE

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Digital Archive

The Digital Archive provides access to detailed cards of printed documents, manuscripts, and images related to natural disasters in the Spanish Crown territory from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, collected by our research group. In each card, users can view the set of collected metadata, such as place of origin, production date, conservation institution, and where available, the transcription of handwritten and/or printed text. To learn more, click here.

– Routes–

Explore now Routes, the new interactive platform by DisComPoSE, through which you can visualize, quickly and intuitively, via a virtual map, the spatial reconstruction of documentation, tracking the movements of documents within the territories of the Spanish Crown from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. To learn more, click here.

This project has received funding from the European Research (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°759829

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