The DisComPoSE research group participates in the international APURIS project: Las administraciones públicas y los regios naturales en las monarquías borbónicas (siglos XVII-XIX), which brings together researchers belonging to three research groups working on the response of public institutions to environmental disasters in Spain, southern Italy and in Spanish America between the age of enlightened reformism and the European Restoration.
The project is based on the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) and it is coordinated by Armando Alberola Romá (Universidad de Alicante), Domenico Cecere (University of Naples Federico II), Jean-Philippe Luis (MSH / Université Clermont-Auvergne)

The DisComPoSE research project is connected to the Red Columnaria, an international scholarly network based at the University of Murcia, that brings together American and European historians who work on the Iberian Monarchies.

Video presentation of the Red Columnaria

The DisComPoSE research project is connected to the Cambridge Disaster Research Network (CDRN), a multidisciplinary network of researchers on disaster studies of the University of Cambridge, which aims at promoting dialogue between natural sciences and socio-humanistic disciplines in the development of strategies for the prevention and reduction of damage produced by disasters.

The DisComPoSE project participates in the Spanish reseach project I+D Res-Pública Monárquica. La Monarquía Hispánica, una estructura imperial policéntrica de repúblicas urbanas (PGC 2018-095424-B-100), directed by Manuel Herrero Sánchez (Pablo de Olavide University, Seville).

The DisComPoSE team collaborates with con ERC-AdG project The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 coordinated by David Gentilcore and hosted by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

The DisComPoSE team collaborates with the project SMEEGOL – historical Sources, Mireneral microanalysis, Experimental pEtrology and numerical modelling to unravel the precurson phenomena Of vOlcanic eruptios: the case of the Neapolitan volcanos, coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia- Osservatorio Vesuviano.

The DisComPoSE team collaborates with Bibliotheca Hertziana – Istituto Max Planck on the project Napoli Palinsesto. Disastri naturali

The DisComPoSE team collaborates with the research and training centre SCOOP – Sustainable Cooperation. This is a joint initiative by the University of Groningen and Utrecht University and involves researchers from the VU Amsterdam, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Radboud University Nijmegen.

The DisComPoSE team collaborates with the project Catastrofes de causa climatica natural, gestion de la emergencia y discusros politicos, cientificos y religiosos en el Medirennareo occidental y la America hispanica (S. XVIII), coordinated by Armando Alberola Roma, funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and hosted by University of Alicante.