Entries by manuelapittera

Three disciplinary approaches to the representation of catastrophe

The DisComPoSE research group took part in a cycle of meetings organized within the Edinburgh Early Modern Network  through an online seminar entitled Narrating and Communicating Disasters in the Spanish Monarchy: an Interdisciplinary Approach. The speech by Annachiara Monaco, Milena Viceconte and Beatriz Álvarez García held on 5th April 2022, showed some research lines that […]

Risk, disaster and emergency management

The volume Rischio, catastrofe e gestione dell’emergenza nel Mediterraneo occidentale e in Ispanoamerica in età moderna. Omaggio a Jean-Philippe Luis includes a significant part of the findings of the interdisciplinary and international APURIS research project on disasters that occurred in the territories under the Bourbon monarchies between the 18th and early 19th centuries. It is […]

Thematic itineraries on “Paper eruptions”

The lively interest in the digital exhibition Paper eruptions has prompted the researchers of DisComPoSE and of the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte to offer some public thematic tours starting from a selection of volumes on display. During the first appointment on Saturday 7th May 2022, the contents of the six sections […]

Paper eruptions. Four centuries of volcanoes in print

The online exhibition Paper eruptions. Four Centuries of Volcanoes in Print is the result of a collaboration between the scientific and library staff of the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte and the members of the DisComPoSE research group. Many rare works dedicated to the natural disasters that have marked the history of […]

“Disaster Narratives”: the debate about this volume

There is a heated debate about the analysis and interpretation of the sources of the natural disasters that occurred in the Kingdom of Naples in the early modern age. This has been encouraged by the book Disaster narratives in Early Modern Naples. Politics, Communication and Culture edited by Domenico Cecere, Chiara De Caprio, Lorenza Gianfrancesco […]

Lyric poetry about disasters of 17th century

Poesie d’amore e d’altri disastri (Carocci 2021) is an anthology of 70 lyric poems with a commentary about disasters edited by Antonio Perrone. It collects the works of 37 Neapolitan poets who wrote between 1632 and 1695 and passes through the three major catastrophes that took place in southern Italy: the eruption of Vesuvius (1631), […]

Information networks and communication policy

In old regime societies, after natural disasters, the most powerful social groups and institutions were often driven to compete with each other for the management of the emergency. The circulation of information and the control of opinions were some of the fields in which these rivalries played out. These issues were addressed in the presentation […]

Narrating Catastrophe in the Golden Age

Gennaro Schiano’s book Relatar la catástrofe en el Siglo de Oro. Entre noticia y narración, recently published by Peter Lang (Berlin), is dedicated to a representation of natural disasters in one of the most popular genres produced in the territories of the Hispanic Monarchy during the Golden Age: the relaciones de sucesos. Developing some of […]

Lyric poetry about the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631

The recent publication of La Scelta di poesie nell’incendio del Vesuvio – edited by Antonio Perrone and Carolina Borrelli – aims to extend the scope of the DisComPoSe research and the analysis of the catastrophic reports to lyric poetry. In fact, poetry about natural catastrophes was as widespread as printed reports and scientific treatises in […]