Three disciplinary approaches to the representation of catastrophe
Conferences and SeminarsThe DisComPoSE research group took part in a cycle of meetings organized within the Edinburgh Early Modern Network through an online seminar entitled Narrating and Communicating Disasters in the Spanish Monarchy: an Interdisciplinary Approach.

Risk, disaster and emergency management
NewsThe volume Rischio, catastrofe e gestione dell’emergenza nel Mediterraneo occidentale e in Ispanoamerica in età moderna. Omaggio a Jean-Philippe Luis includes a significant part of the findings of the interdisciplinary and international APURIS…

Thematic itineraries on "Paper eruptions"
NewsThe lively interest in the digital exhibition Paper eruptions has prompted the researchers of DisComPoSE and of the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte to offer some public thematic tours starting from a selection…

Paper eruptions. Four centuries of volcanoes in print
NewsThe online exhibition Paper eruptions. Four Centuries of Volcanoes in Print is the result of a collaboration between the scientific and library staff of the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte and the members of…

“Disaster Narratives”: the debate about this volume
NewsThere is a heated debate about the analysis and interpretation of the sources of the natural disasters that occurred in the Kingdom of Naples in the early modern age. This has been encouraged by the book Disaster narratives in Early Modern Naples.…

Lyric poetry about disasters of 17th century
NewsPoesie d’amore e d’altri disastri (Carocci 2021) is an anthology of 70 lyric poems with a commentary about disasters edited by Antonio Perrone. It collects the works of 37 Neapolitan poets who wrote between 1632 and 1695 and passes through…