International Days of the History of the Iberian Monarchy
Conferences and SeminarsThe sixteenth edition of the Jornadas Internacionales de Historia de las Monarquías Ibéricas dedicated to Las Monarquías Ibéricas: a mirada desde la historia ambiental will be held in Zacatecas, Mexico, from 7th to 9th December 2022.

Circulation of news about disasters in Hispanic America
NewsThe monographic issue Desastres en la América hispánica: circulación de noticias y saberes (siglos XVI-XVIII) has been published in the open access journal Nuevo Mundo. Mundos Nuevos. The studies collected in the dossier are the result of…

Construction and transmission of the memory of natural disasters
Conferences and SeminarsThe study of the transmission of memory is essential to understand the way in which the societies of the past perceived and interpreted risks of natural origin and to understand the ways in which they reacted to them.
This was confirmed by…

Memory and oblivion of traumatic events
Conferences and SeminarsThe conference Memory and oblivion of traumatic events in Early Modern Age, organized by the team of the research project DisComPoSe, in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes, will take place in Naples on October 27th and 28th.

Disaster Management in the 17th century
Conferences and SeminarsThe researchers of the DisComPoSE project took part in the first congress of the Italian Society of Environmental History (SISAM) dedicated to Environmental History in Italy: Methods and Research Paths held in Catania on 22nd-24th September.

The "relationes de sucesos" as a space of transformation
NewsThe tenth conference of the Sociedad Internacional para el Estudio de las Relaciones de Sucesos (SIERS) has seen a significant involvement of the DisComPoSE research group. This event, entitled La transmission des nouvelles. Les “relaciones…

Cities of the early modern age and their resources
Conferences and SeminarsDisComPoSE has participated in the Curso internacional de estudios mediterráneos, a summer course organized by the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Barcelona, which took place from 5th to 9th September.
This event,…

The “signs” of the earthquake in Nigrone’s manuscript
NewsDisComPoSe took part in the international conference Giovanni Antonio Nigrone «Fountaineer and Water Engineer»: Natural Philosophy, Technology and Hydrology at the Turn of the XVI Century, organized at the National Library of Naples within…

The challenges of digitising the bibliographic heritage
NewsFrom 4th to 6th July, the Universidade Da Coruña hosted an international seminar entitled De lo analógico a lo digital: gestión, uso y estudio del patrimonio bibliográfico organised by
Nieves Pena Sueiro and Javier Ruiz Astiz. Scholars…

'Relaciones de sucesos': between news and narration
NewsRelatar la catástrofe en el Siglo de Oro. Entre noticia y narración is the title of the volume by Gennaro Schiano presented on 7th June 2022 at the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II. The meeting proved to be…