
Thematic itineraries on "Paper eruptions"

The lively interest in the digital exhibition Paper eruptions has prompted the researchers of DisComPoSE and of the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte to offer some public thematic tours starting from a selection…

Paper eruptions. Four centuries of volcanoes in print

The online exhibition Paper eruptions. Four Centuries of Volcanoes in Print is the result of a collaboration between the scientific and library staff of the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte and the members of…

“Disaster Narratives”: the debate about this volume

There is a heated debate about the analysis and interpretation of the sources of the natural disasters that occurred in the Kingdom of Naples in the early modern age. This has been encouraged by the book Disaster narratives in Early Modern Naples.…

Rexpublica and DisComPoSE in discussion

Several members of the Rexpublica project and the DisComPoSE project attended the conference Desastres en la América colonial Hispánica. Redes, circulación de la información y memoria (siglos XVI-XVIII), organized on 13th September at the…

Disasters in Spanish Colonial America

The conference Disasters in Spanish Colonial America (16th-18th centuries) is taking place on 13th September in Seville. The activity is the result of the collaboration between DisComPoSe and the Spanish project Res Pública Monárquica. La…

Stories of disasters and dreams of the future

DisComPoSE took part in the eighth edition of Rencontres Recherche et Création. La mémoire du future (At the crossroads of research and artistic creativity. Memory of the future) organized by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the…

June 7-8, 2021: Communication during emergencies

DisComPoSE has expanded the field of investigation into disasters caused by natural events. In the conference of 7th and 8th June Communication, politics and emergency management in the Hispanic Monarchy. Sixteenth-eighteenth centuries, interesting…

"Short memories" on the SISEM website

The site of the Italian Society for the History of the Early Modern Age (SISEM) hosts the editorial by Domenico Cecere Memorie corte. Le società di antico regime e l’esperienza delle catastrofi (Short memories. Ancien régime societies and…

The prototype of the DisComPoSE digital archive

The prototype of the DisComPose digital archive was presented on 23rd November to an audience of researchers, students and high school teachers. The software was conceived and developed by students of the Apple Academy to make the research results…