Reports on natural disasters

Three scholars who study the genre of press relations were the protagonists of the international seminar The reports on natural disasters between Italy and Spain in the seventeenth century, held on 23rd June 2023 at the Department of Humanities…

News of catastrophes between Europe and the Atlantic

The DisComPoSE researchers participated in a session of the conference The Italian culture of the eighteenth century and its transnational connections, organized on 20th-22nd June 2023 in Naples, as part of the activities of the international…

“Relationes de sucesos” between news and narration

On 13th March at 11.00 CET Gennaro Schiano will hold a seminar on Las relaciones de sucesos entre noticia y narraciòn organized by the Department of Spanish Literature and Theory of Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy and Translation of…

The Popocatepetl in Bologna

As part of the program of seminars promoted by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Dmitri Rouwet and Carlos Caracciolo have organized a meeting dedicated to the inquiries performed within the DisComPoSE research project.…

International Days of the History of the Iberian Monarchy

The sixteenth edition of the Jornadas Internacionales de Historia de las Monarquías Ibéricas dedicated to Las Monarquías Ibéricas: a mirada desde la historia ambiental will be held in Zacatecas, Mexico, from 7th to 9th December 2022. The…

Construction and transmission of the memory of natural disasters

The study of the transmission of memory is essential to understand the way in which the societies of the past perceived and interpreted risks of natural origin and to understand the ways in which they reacted to them. This was confirmed by…

Memory and oblivion of traumatic events

The conference Memory and oblivion of traumatic events in Early Modern Age, organized by the team of the research project DisComPoSe, in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes, will take place in Naples on October 27th and 28th. Italian…

Disaster Management in the 17th century

The researchers of the DisComPoSE project took part in the first congress of the Italian Society of Environmental History (SISAM) dedicated to Environmental History in Italy: Methods and Research Paths held in Catania on 22nd-24th September. On…

Cities of the early modern age and their resources

DisComPoSE has participated in the Curso internacional de estudios mediterráneos, a summer course organized by the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Barcelona, which took place from 5th to 9th September. This event,…

Three disciplinary approaches to the representation of catastrophe

The DisComPoSE research group took part in a cycle of meetings organized within the Edinburgh Early Modern Network  through an online seminar entitled Narrating and Communicating Disasters in the Spanish Monarchy: an Interdisciplinary Approach. The…