News from the epicentre

A new monograph has been added to the publications resulting from DisComPoSE research. It is Gennaro Varriale's volume News from the Epicentre. The Flow of Information about Earthquakes in the Hispanic Monarchy (XVI–XVII Centuries), which…

Experience of Discovery and Memory of Disasters

On Friday, 22nd November 2024, DisComPoSE Principal Investigator Domenico Cecere will participate in the international conference Esperienza della scoperta e memoria dei disastri. Strumenti, fonti, metodologie, which will be held at the Department…

Printed reports on the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631

Within the DisComPoSE line of research is Annachiara Monaco's recently published work Forme testuali e stili narrativi delle relazioni a stampa sull'eruzione del Vesuvio del 1631 (Forms and narrative styles of the printed reports on the 1631…

The Global Circulation of News at the ICARUS convention

The Digital Archive DisComPoSE will be presented at the ICARUS Convention 33 – European Travel Routes through GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums). The Challenge of Becoming Digital, a result of the scientific collaboration between…

DisComPoSE research at the SISAM conference

The developments of the DisComPoSE Project research will be presented during the second national conference of the Italian Society of Environmental History (SISAM), titled Italian Environmental History from Ancient to Contemporary Times: Themes,…

Levels of Culture in Italy during the Early Modern Period

The recently published volume Verba manent. Livelli di cultura in Italia nella prima età moderna (Verba Manent: Levels of Culture in Italy during the Early Modern Period), edited by Vittorio Celotto and Gennaro Schiano, takes its cue from a…

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