DisComPoSE Digital Archive

Data related to thousands of sources on natural disasters in the Spanish Monarchy during the early modern age can be consulted through the DisComPoSE Digital Archive. The research group has collected and analysed a huge number of documents and…

Sustainable and Resilient societies

Disruptive transformations such as natural disasters, technological innovations, and demographic, socio-economic and organizational crises make resilience an urgent priority on the research agenda of contemporary social and behavioural sciences…

New partnership between DisComPoSE and VeLoci

The new collaboration between the researchers of the DisComPoSE project and those of the VeLoci project – Vesuvian Lost Cities before the Discovery: Sources, Experiences, Imagery in the Early Modern Period – began on June 14th 2024, in an…

Experiences of Calamity

The collection of essays in the section La società di antico regime e le esperienze della calamità. Memorie, pratiche di risposta (The Society of the Old Regime and Experiences of Calamity: Memories, Response Practices) in issue 2 of 2024…

Natural Risk in Mediterranean Spain

The DisComPoSE project hosted the 17th edition of the History and Climate seminar from 12th June 14th 2024. The event, organized in Naples by the namesake research group from the University of Alicante, facilitated interaction among scholars…

The printed catalogue of the exhibition "Paper eruptions” is now available!

Since 2022, you have been able to visit the virtual exhibition Paper eruptions. Four centuries of printing on volcanoes. The printed catalogue of the exhibition edited by Elisabetta Scirocco, Philine Helas, Golo Maurer, Domenico Cecere, Hanna…

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