Natural and anthropic upheavals in the Mediterranean area
Conferences and SeminarsA session on environmental disasters in the early modern era took place during the International Conference on Catastrofi mediterranee. Sconvolgimenti naturali e antropici nella storia dello spazio mediterraneo (Mediterranean catastrophes: natural…

Disasters that made the world shudder
Conferences and SeminarsDisasters that made the world shudder is the evocative title of the paper presented by Domenico Cecere on 30th January 2024 in the framework of the International seminar Early Modern Italian World organized by the Oxford University, in conjunction…

Managing Times of Emergency
NewsIn times of emergency, communication plays a crucial yet problematic role. While this may seem obvious nowadays, even before the emergence of modern media, the methods of gathering, elaborating and transmitting information had a significant…

Catastrophe of the World
NewsWith the exhibition Catastrofe del mondo (Catastrophe of the World), the researchers of the DisComPoSE project aimed to share with a wide audience the most significant texts and images representing the catastrophic events that occurred in the…

Final conference of the DisComPoSE project
Conferences and SeminarsThe DisComPoSE project is coming to an end. The team is organizing the international conference Davanti alla fine. Culture e Politiche della calamità in età moderna (Before the end. Cultures and Policies of calamity in the early modern age).…