The lesson of Piero Camporesi
Conferences and SeminarsIn the final meeting of the cycle of seminars Verba Manent, Claudio Giunta, professor of Italian literature at the University of Trento, enriched the reflection on popular culture starting from the lesson of Piero Camporesi. The seminar, dedicated…

June 7-8, 2021: Communication during emergencies
NewsDisComPoSE has expanded the field of investigation into disasters caused by natural events. In the conference of 7th and 8th June Communication, politics and emergency management in the Hispanic Monarchy. Sixteenth-eighteenth centuries, interesting…

"Short memories" on the SISEM website
NewsThe site of the Italian Society for the History of the Early Modern Age (SISEM) hosts the editorial by Domenico Cecere Memorie corte. Le società di antico regime e l’esperienza delle catastrofi (Short memories. Ancien régime societies and…

Communication, politics and emergency management
Conferences and SeminarsHow and to what extent were institutional and extra-institutional communication channels and networks transformed in times of crisis? How was the relationship between the secrecy and publicity of information configured in such moments? Through…

What is a popular press?
NewsWhat is a popular press? This is the question addressed by the DisComPoSe research group to Professor Giancarlo Petrella, who attended the third appointment of the Verba manent series of seminars taking place on May 5th on the Teams platform.…

April 28, 2021: News in the 1500s between orality and writing
NewsThe second online meeting of the Verba manent cycle had as its protagonist Professor Ottavia Niccoli, author of books that have by now become classics of Renaissance history and culture. On April 28th 2021, the historian spoke about the Transmission…