New call for papers on natural disasters

A Call for Papers is open for two monographic issues of the Griseldaonline journal on the theme “Catastrophes. When the world fails”. The goal is to investigate literary texts as valuable witnesses and at the same time exceptional creators…

From punishments of God to wonders of nature

Da castighi di Dio a prodigi della natura. Le calamità e le società di antico regime (From punishments of God to wonders of nature. Calamities and societies of ancient regime) is the title of the conference of Prof. Domenico Cecere organized…

The making of emergency response policies

The making of emergency response policies in Early Modern Age is the title of a streaming video by Gennaro Schiano for the cycle of cultural events Non fermiamo la cultura (Do not stop culture) transmitted by the Department of Culture of Naples…

DisComPoSE joined The European Researchers’ night

DisComPoSE participated in the European Researchers' Night, a valuable opportunity to bring society closer to the themes, the problems and the challenges of scientific research. Within this framework, two popular events were held on 27th…

Meeting with Spanish university students

On 19th June 2019 the DisComPoSE team participated in Trobada entre historiadors (Meeting between historians), a stimulating seminar with students and teachers of History, Art History and Archaeology at the University of Barcelona, who were…

Workshop at the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives

 A workshop specifically designed for the young DisComPoSE researchers took place on May 31st 2019 in the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, the largest archival collection of bank documents in the entire world. The content of these documents…

The Shadow of the Giant at the European Researchers’ Night

The Shadow of the Giant was the title of the event organized on September 28th 2018 by the DisComPoSE research group to bring a wide audience closer to the issues of risk perception and management of natural disasters. Students and teachers…