The Shadow of the Giant was the title of the event organized on September 28th 2018 by the DisComPoSE research group to bring a wide audience closer to the issues of risk perception and management of natural disasters.
Students and teachers of different disciplines met at 19.00 at the BRAU Library for the presentation of the objectives and expected results of the DisComPoSE project by Domenico Cecere and Chiara De Caprio. The evening was organized as part of the MEETmeTONIGHT initiative of the University of Naples Federico II to celebrate the European Researchers’ Night 2018.
The DisComPoSE researchers explained that they are interested in studying and reconstructing the great forms of management, narration and communication of natural disasters in the modern age because disasters – from the flood to the tsunami – teach something powerful and current: we understand together, we save ourselves together. As a consequence, they aims at chasing news that rebounded from text to text, and at analyzing metaphors and key words through which, yesterday as today, fear and hope, the feeling of the end and the need to re-establish a defense, the loss of individuals and the sense of being part of a community were given shape.
During the event, the actors Valentina Curatoli and Michelangelo Dalisi read baroque poetry concerning natural disasters with music by Nino Bruno.
8 pm: presentation of the DisComPoSE project: Il fatto e il da farsi (by Domenico Cecere and Chiara De Caprio)
8.30 pm: L’incendio del Vesuvio (execution of seventeenth-century pieces of the disaster by Valentina Curatoli and Michelangelo Dalisi, music by Nino Bruno)
9 pm: lesson on Le parole del disastro (Francesco Montuori)
9.30 pm: La peste (execution of seventeenth-century pieces of the disaster by Valentina Curatoli and Michelangelo Dalisi, music by Nino Bruno)
9.45 pm: Le parole di Santo Sano (performed by Valentina Curatoli and Michelangelo Dalisi)
Go to an on line article on the event The Shadow of the Giant
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