November 12, 2019: Environmental disasters in the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish America

Le calamità ambientali in età moderna: esperienze e prospettive di ricerca su Penisola iberica e America latina (Environmental disasters in early modern age: research experiences about the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish America) Tuesday…

May 23-24, 2019: Telling describing informing. The marvelous and the unheard

TELLING DESCRIBING INFORMING The marvelous and the unheard in the early modern age Seminar organised by S. Bozzola, C. De Caprio, F. Montuori  Naples, 23-24 May 2019 At the Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti in Napoli and…

January 10, 2020: Water: resource and threat in Europe

L’acqua: risorsa e minaccia. La gestione delle risorse idriche e delle inondazioni in Europa dal Medioevo all’Età contemporanea (Water: resource and threat. The management of water resources and floods in Europe from the Middle Ages to…

Heroic figures in calamitous times

The current incidence of natural disasters has stimulated, especially in recent decades, a lively debate among academics from different disciplines about the cultural and social connotations of catastrophes. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes,…

DisComPoSE joined The European Researchers’ night

DisComPoSE participated in the European Researchers' Night, a valuable opportunity to bring society closer to the themes, the problems and the challenges of scientific research. Within this framework, two popular events were held on 27th…

Meeting with Spanish university students

On 19th June 2019 the DisComPoSE team participated in Trobada entre historiadors (Meeting between historians), a stimulating seminar with students and teachers of History, Art History and Archaeology at the University of Barcelona, who were…

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