New partnership between DisComPoSE and VeLoci
NewsThe new collaboration between the researchers of the DisComPoSE project and those of the VeLoci project – Vesuvian Lost Cities before the Discovery: Sources, Experiences, Imagery in the Early Modern Period – began on June 14th 2024, in an…

Experiences of Calamity
NewsThe collection of essays in the section La società di antico regime e le esperienze della calamità. Memorie, pratiche di risposta (The Society of the Old Regime and Experiences of Calamity: Memories, Response Practices) in issue 2 of 2024…

Natural Risk in Mediterranean Spain
Conferences and SeminarsThe DisComPoSE project hosted the 17th edition of the History and Climate seminar from 12th June 14th 2024. The event, organized in Naples by the namesake research group from the University of Alicante, facilitated interaction among scholars…